The Ledger Dispatch is delivered each week on Friday. A change of address submitted after 12 PM Wednesday for the same week, will reflect for following Friday's edition. You will receive an email ...
The Ledger Dispatch publishes weekly each Friday. The deadline reservation for classified advertising is each Tuesday by 12 PM (noon). Fill out this form to place a CLASSIFIED AD (help wanted, items ...
Aaron Wolcott (“Government accountability,” Letters to the Editor, Ledger Dispatch; February 14, 2025), where was your voice when the Biden Administration was allowing people from around the world to ...
Sit up and take notice when our elected representatives in Washington talk about “cutting mandatory spending,” because they are talking about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They want to cut ...
I am writing to share my experience and hope that you might be able to help correct this policy going forward at this hotel so that others visiting your beautiful area don’t experience this very ...
A natural wonder belongs to our children’s children. Thomas Jefferson wrote, “each generation has the usufruct of the Earth.” Usufruct is an archaic word, but its meaning is anything but. It means ...
Donald Trump is claiming a sweeping mandate for his agenda. Whether you go by the popular vote or the Electoral College vote, the 2024 Presidential election was no landslide. Letters to the Editor can ...
I’m not a resident of Amador City, so I wouldn’t presume to tell its City Council where to conduct city business. Anyone interested in that recent controversy should Google the YouTube video of last ...
Stephenie Gaustad was born and raised in Southern California. After earning her bachelor of arts from UC Irvine, she continued her lifetime love of textiles and art by teaching and writing. She lived ...
King’s Men Conference V will take place on Saturday, March 15 at Generation Life Church, 125 Academy Drive in Sutter Creek, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Do you not know that you the temple of God and that ...
Gallery 10 is excited to bring back their Golden State Juried Exhibition for the second year in a row. This is an “In Gallery” exhibition. Last year was such a successful event, Gallery 10 is eager to ...