These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here. © CBS The mood among consumers is less negative in September than in the previous ...
These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here. © ANP / Hans van Rhoon In July 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets ...
Among those detainees for whom the highest level of education was known, in 62 percent of cases this was MBO level (secondary vocational education). A small number of detainees (8 percent) had taken ...
Most people in their twenties living independently have relatively few assets. However, people in their late twenties are wealthier today than they were ten years ago, on average. Median wealth among ...
Purchasing power rose the most for the 10 percent of the population on the lowest incomes, at 1.7 percent. The higher the income group, the smaller the increase in purchasing power. For the 20 percent ...
The number of corporate bankruptcies adjusted for court session days fluctuates significantly. The number peaked at 911 in May 2013. It subsequently continued to decline until the end of August 2017, ...
In August, there was a drop in the employment rate to 73 percent. From January to July, this percentage had been hovering at around 73.3. The decline in August affected mostly young people and those ...
In Q2 2024, greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector were 17 percent lower than in Q2 2023. The electricity sector consumed less coal and natural gas, mainly due to an increase in ...
More than two-thirds of all industrial sectors produced less than they did one year previously. Among the eight larger industrial sectors, output fell the most sharply in the transport equipment ...
The decline in goods exports to the UK is mainly attributable to re-exports and the quasi-transit trade, both of which have seen a downward trend. In 2020, the year in which the UK left the EU, the ...
Total male and female 0 to 64 years 2023 21,344 Total male and female 0 to 64 years 2024 week 22* 383 Total male and female 0 to 64 years 2024 week 23* 368 Total male and female 0 to 64 years 2024 ...
This table contains the (seasonally) adjusted figures on opinions and expectations of Dutch consumers on general economic developments and their own financial situation. The indicators of consumer ...