Organisations are being encouraged to apply for the Fairer Aberdeen Fund to help tackle poverty and deprivation across the city. The Fairer Aberdeen Fund is allocated by Aberdeen City Council, which ...
You can now browse our events calendar and book your place for our events online via our library catalogue. Membership is not required, all you need is a contact email address or phone number to ...
The Act sets out 5 high level “licensing objectives.” These represent the principles on which the new licensing system is based, and provide Licensing Boards with a solid foundation on which to build ...
We use the information we have received from complaints to help us improve our services. By looking at the data, we can try to prevent a problem happening again. We publish annual statistics for each ...
The Catalyst Community Regeneration Company have made an asset transfer request for the Tillydrone Community Centre. If you would like to comment on the proposed asset transfer or make a ...
The surgery advert is not being published at present. Please use the following link and refer to your Councillor’s individual webpage for their surgery details Not all Councillors hold surgeries, if ...
In Scotland, lead does not occur naturally in significant concentrations in our water supplies. The problem arises when drinking water comes into contact with lead supply pipes, lead tanks, lead ...
We spray Council-owned roads and pavements two times a year to inhibit weed growth. The first spray takes place late May/Early June (weather permitting) with weeds showing signs of dieback two weeks ...
You will qualify for this discount if you use the property as your second home and have a main residence somewhere else and you are: required to live in a second home by your employment (for example ...