The story follows Goro Majima, who lost his memories, as he is rescued by a local boy called Noah on a stranded island.
His latest role is Masaru Fujita, a chef-slash-bodyguard who ends up joining Goro Majima’s pirate crew. In the interview, ...
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii players can dress up fan favorite Goro Majima in the clothes of longtime Yakuza ...
However, one of the few home-console Yakuza games left behind is the 2012 PlayStation 3 release, Yakuza Dead Souls. During the seventh generation of consoles, third-person action games and ...
Like a Dragon fans can get Kiryu's iconic outfit for Majima in the upcoming game by signing up on Sega's website by Feb. 25.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega announced that people can dress Goro Majima like Kazuma Kiryu in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii with free DLC. However, the catch is that someone must subscribe ...