Malayalam actor Aparna Vinod announced the news of her divorce on social media. She shared that her marriage with Rinilraj PK ...
Malayalam actress Aparna Vinod and her husband Rinilraj PK have decided to separate, with Aparna sharing the emotional ...
In a statement, Aparna Vinod described her marriage as a "difficult phase" and revealed that it had been an "emotionally ...
Malayalam actress Aparna Vinod announced her separation from husband Rinil Raj after two years, citing emotional strain. She ...
Aparna Vinod and Rinil Raj split after two years of marriage. Aparna told supporters it was a tough decision, surprising them ...
Aparna Vinod announced her separation from Rinil Raj after being married for two years. Here's what she had to say.
Malayalam actress Aparna Vinod took to her social media handle to announce that she has parted ways from Rinil Raj after two ...
Actor Aparna Vinod has announced her separation from Rinil Raj after two years of marriage, describing the experience as ...
Aparna made her acting debut in 2015 with the film 'Njandukalude Nattil Oridavela'..aparna, aparna vinod, aparna vinod ...