The Pataskum Emirate has conferred the traditional title of Shettima Illumbe on an Associate Professor, Ahmed Mohammed Bedu.
After the unexpected collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there was an urgent necessity to preserve the relations between Russia and Africa.
Find out why a major vehicle hauler is shutting down operations in Sheffield Village, impacting dozens of local jobs.
Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs 1926 - 1930 Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs 1922 - 1926 ...
The agreement is focused more on trade than military issues, but it will bring two countries with a shared desire to ...
Discontent with the existing global system has made the disruption worse. As a result, the once relatively stable order that ...
Eric Posner sees the web of treaties, conventions, and institutions as another victim of the anti-globalization backlash.
Kazem Jalali emphasized that "regional political cooperation between Iran and Russia is certainly not confined to Syria" ...