Players will be able to compete in Clash of the Dancing Lions, a new limited-time mode for the Spring Festival.
The newly identified giant isopod has a head that looks eerily like the Sith Lord's iconic helmet from the "Star Wars" franchise.
Following big releases in their Marvel Legends and Transformers lineups this month, Hasbro’s first Star Wars fanstream of ...
A “supergiant” sea bug discovered in Vietnam has been named for its striking resemblance to Star Wars villain Darth Vader.
The name "vaderi" is inspired by the appearance of its head, which closely resembles the distinctive and iconic helmet of ...
Unlike a great number of Sith in Star Wars, Emperor Palpatine never got his own mask/helmet, and Star Wars' Jedi and other heroes should be happy.
Bọ biển, or “sea bugs,” are large isopods that have come to rival lobsters in “quality of the flesh” as a sought-after ...
Apart from the Darth Vader-like head, B vaderi has a pronounced depression in its hip bone and a distinctive bony ridge.
Scientists have discovered a new species of crustacean by examining samples purchased from Vietnamese fishermen. Because its ...
Discover Bathynomus vaderi, a newly identified giant isopod species from Vietnam’s deep seas, named after Darth Vader.
They dubbed this previously unidentified species Bathynomus vaderi after “the most famous Sith Lord in the Star Wars movie series, Darth Vader, whose helmet resembles the head of the new ...