The course gives insight into theory and algorithms for fundamental mathematical problems associated with systems of equations, optimization, and approximation of functions. There are many ...
This course is a continuation of high school calculus, but goes deeper into the theoretical foundations and develops the methods further in order to deal with more complicated cases. The course also ...
This course has joint teaching with ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory. Macroeconomic theory with main emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium models. Mathematical tools for modern dynamic ...
The course focuses on methods for modern data analysis both within a practical and theoretical framework. Fewer assumptions are made when using these methods, such as machine learning or statistical ...
This course gives an introduction to commutative rings and their modules. We study concepts such as localization, decomposition of modules, chain conditions for rings and modules, and dimension theory ...
Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to analytical chemistry relevant for chemical quality control of pharmaceutical raw materials and final drug products, and for determination of drugs, ...
The course takes a critical and analytical look at the role of science and technology in modern society. Questions addressed include: What is science? How does it differ from other disciplines? Which ...
The political communication systems of established democracies are currently undergoing fundamental processes of change. Digitization changes the structure of the public sphere, challenges news ...
This course offers students a hands-on approach to qualitative research methods in psychology. The course will focus on generating and working with qualitative data. The course aims to inform ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...
This course provides an overview of a range of resources and practical bioinformatic tools that are used in molecular biology. Scientists actively developing and applying bioinformatic tools in their ...