The median salary increment for Filipino workers is projected to increase 5.5% in 2025 . Based on the 2022 Occupational Wages ...
The slated concerts are The Magical Music of Harry Potter, The Music of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and The Music ...
( You don't really know how long it's been since you last heard a song until it plays unexpectedly at a party or on the radio. That was the soundtrack to some of the best moments in your life, ...
( It was a year of breakups, breakaways, and for a bunch of kids going through puberty, breakouts. It was the year of books and book sales—because was there ever a weekend when the Big Bad ...
( The most fun thing about Strange Frequencies: Taiwan Killer Hospital is the conceit that these celebrities are playing versions of themselves. Even if you aren’t that familiar with who they ...
( There’s just no other party in Manila quite like it, the way people from all walks of life and all persuasions gather just outside the storied First United Building to let it all out for one ...
The movie has some pretty intriguing things to say about the very concept of a family’s sole breadwinner. It doesn’t settle for the typical lionization of the OFW, and instead begins to grapple with ...
The Marshall Major V Bluetooth Headphones are classic, over-ear headphones. Like regular headphones, it connects to Bluetooth for an easy and accessible listening experience. Marshall, known for its ...
( “They are all men. There is not one woman… yet,” declared Ambeth Ocampo, Ateneo University professor and noted public historian. The “they” he was referring to was the current all-male ...