Mozart is one of the few composers to have produced masterpieces in all genres. On the concert tours he undertook in his early years (London, Mannheim, Italy, Paris) he gained many varied musical ...
Most important Norwegian composer of the nineteenth century and promoter of Norwegian folk music. His lyrical character pieces in particular are well known. 1843 Born in Bergen on June 15, the son of ...
One of the most important German opera composers before Wagner, he advocated for a German opera through his own output and in his writings. His fame is predicated on “Der Freischütz,” which was ...
2 Marches Caractéristiques C major op. post. 121 D 886 Variations on a theme from the Opera "Marie" by Hérold C major op. 82 D 908 March (Children's March) G major D 928 Fantasy f minor op. 103 D 940 ...
For many musicians he is “the Alpha and Omega of all music” (Max Reger). Except for operas, Bach composed masterpieces for every ensemble and genre of his age. His catalogue of works contains almost 1 ...
The most famous piano virtuoso of the nineteenth century is regarded as the most influential artist and composer (with Berlioz, Wagner) of the so-called New German School. His immense musical oeuvre ...
For many musicians he is “the Alpha and Omega of all music” (Max Reger). Except for operas, Bach composed masterpieces for every ensemble and genre of his age. His catalogue of works contains almost 1 ...
Together with Satie and Debussy, Ravel numbers among the innovators who had a falling out with academic education and created their own avant-garde tonal languages – inspired, in Ravel’s case, by ...
A Spanish composer, pianist, and pedagogue, his compositional style is primarily oriented around late Romanticism. He incorporates folkloric elements of his homeland in multiple ways. He largely wrote ...
Célèbre organiste et compositeur qui a exercé une influence considérable sur la musique française «fin de siècle» non seulement par ses œuvres, mais aussi et avant tout en temps qu’enseignant. 1822 Né ...
Compositeur qui compte parmi les personnalités musicales les plus importantes de la première moitié du XXe s. Il est surtout connu par ses recherches sur la musique populaire hongroise dont il a ...
For many musicians he is “the Alpha and Omega of all music” (Max Reger). Except for operas, Bach composed masterpieces for every ensemble and genre of his age. His catalogue of works contains almost 1 ...