A complaint against the Israeli government for blatant violations of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Protection ...
A complaint against the Israeli government for blatant violations of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Protection of Wages Convention has been filed by nine global trade unions, with ...
Under the theme of "Organizing for Power", participants in the Education International (EI) 10th World Congress in Buenos ...
What’s needed in the Kurdistan’s Region?”, Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) President Abdulwahed Mohammad Haje emphasized the ...
During the 6th ordinary Congress of the Chad Teachers’ Union (Syndicat des enseignants du Tchad – SET), unionists ...
La Internacional de la Educación exige la liberación inmediata de la maestra y activista sindical palestina Fátima Nimer Al-Rimawi La Internacional de la Educación exige la liberación inmediata de la ...
There's so much happening around the globe that it's easy to miss significant announcements. Back in February, an urgent and ...
Coming together in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from July 29 to August 2, 2024, Education International's 10th World Congress ...
Il se passe tant de choses dans le monde qu’il est facile de passer à côté de nouvelles importantes. Février dernier a vu la publication d’un rapport urgent et percutant, passé inaperçu pour la ...