Kyrgyzstan exported 60% less corn to Uzbekistan from January to July 2024 than last year, the National Statistical Committee ...
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Chairman of the State National Security Committee Kamchybek Tashiev got ...
The Ministers of Tourism of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States supported the proposal to declare Jalal-Abad ...
© AKIpress News Agency - 2001-2024. Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress ...
A man working at the site of dismantling of an old bridge on the section of the Osh – Batken – Razzakov road died in Nooken ...
The Ministry of Digital Development is working very poorly, Speaker of the Kyrgyz Parliament Nurlanbek SHakiyev said on ...
The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan passed the draft law on ratification of the agreement between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Slovak ...
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov expressed gratitude to the Secretary of the Shaanxi Province Communist ...
A business center will be built on the cross of Isanov and Kievskaya streets in Bishkek, Tazabek was told in the President's ...
Director of the State Agency for Public Service and Local Self-Government of Kudaibergen Bazarbayev at the Parliament ...
AKIPRESS.COM - MP Aida Isatbek kyzy (Yntymak) proposed to open a school on training public transport drivers.
AKIPRESS.COM - The Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Bishkek Mayor's Office to hand over 21 apartments worth of 57.227 ...