The Bombay high court upheld the trademark rights of Everest Food Products Pvt Ltd over the usage of trademark ‘Tikhalal’ and restrained Shyam Dhani Industries Pvt Ltd from using the trade name. The c ...
Congestion pricing in NYC will go into effect as planned Sunday morning after a federal judge in Newark denied New Jersey Gov ...
"It's always hard, I've always said that I think TikTok without a doubt is the best social media platform," Haverty said. "At the end of the day, I'm trying to be positive about it." ...
The start of New York City congestion pricing can proceed as scheduled, a federal judge ruled Friday evening.A hearing began ...
A nonstop day of bargaining by union leaders and King Soopers executives ended in a short contract extension on Friday afternoon. They now have until Jan. 16 to reach a deal.