And so they turned to Barack Obama ... It is a shame that Lyndon Johnson did not live long enough to see his 1964 election reprised. RELATED: Assessing the Obama Legacy — Against His Own ...
Instead, that distinction went to Trump's first term predecessor, Barack Obama. Neither was the 45th ... It also included Lyndon Johnson, who completed John F. Kennedy's term after the assassination.
As President Barack Obama reflected on his time in office, he had a way of acknowledging his waning time in the position: a joke about his graying hair. "Right now, we are waging war under ...
Barack Obama on Wednesday accused Sen. John McCain's campaign of engaging in "lies" and "swift boat politics" in regard to his comment about "lipstick on a pig." "Spare me the phony outrage. Spare me ...
When Barack Obama carried Colorado in 2008 and 2012, he was only the third Democrat to win the state since the Eisenhower era. The others were Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and Bill Clinton in 1992.
When Barack Obama carried Colorado in 2008 and 2012, he was only the third Democrat to win the state since the Eisenhower era. The others were Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 and Bill Clinton in 1992.