The search for an identity, the memory, its symbols and the signs of passage through different cultures declined through the self-portrait more ...
In some cases to speak of subtexts in iconic messages is a euphemism that covers only the absolute incompetence of the media to decrypt the encrypted contents, exploiting the images that surround us ...
Mustafa Sabbagh: who uses whom? / 2:03 min • For a personal research on voyeurism Mustafa Sabbagh takes a naked image that unexpectedly transforms the lives of a young couple well beyond his ...
Madonnas, saints, apostles and Jesus with perfect bodies placed in contemporary settings. The Gospel according to Bettina Rheims and Serge Bramly more ...
At the beginning of this work there is a stunning encounter with Walter Rosenblum's images, the amazing American Photographer who during the Second World War was operative in the research department ...
The portraits of the inhabitants of the Saint-Antoine quarter in Aubenas at the end of the eighties. Today, only these photographs remain of them more ...
A story of how globalisation affects the everyday life of the population even in the occupied territories of the West Bank more ...
Il trentennale lavoro realizzato da Marc Asnin all'interno della propria famiglia, raccontando il disagio e la quotidianità claustrofobica dello zio, che potrebbe, per certi versi, essere emblema di ...
Il postit non è ancora online oppure non hai i permessi per visualizzarlo ...
Jacques, Paul, Guy, Jacquot, Serge, Marie, Hamidi... di loro non è rimasta che un'ombra evanescente, sputata fuori dalla memoria sotto forma di nomi. Frammenti di ricordi che risalgono a tre decenni ...