The motion to remove Krotovs came from six opposition council members regarding the situation with the Stendes nami company. Due to significant debt, the company’s buildings in all of Stende are on ...
Munkevics was the mayor of Jurmala from September 2006 to October last year. The other candidate for the office was Jurmala ATU Director Juris Visockis (New Era); four Jurmala councilmen voted for him ...
Large-scale entrepreneur Harry Männil, whom the Simon Wiesenthal centre accused of war crimes but who was cleared of any wrongdoing, died on Monday at the age of 89 in San Jose, Costa Rica, ...
Despite the crisis and market contraction, Latvian cosmetics producers are forging new development and production plans, the newspaper "Dienas Bizness" reports today. Although turnover on the ...
Saeima in Latvia today supported in the third and final reading President Raimonds Vejonis' amendments to the National Security Law, National Armed Forces Law, and Cabinet of Ministers' Rules of ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
In 2013, around 985,000 persons acquired citizenship of a Member State of the European Union (EU), up by 20% (or about 163,000 persons) compared with 2012. Of the total number of persons obtaining the ...
In the middle of October, Lithuania's Company Vilkyskiu Pienine will start to sell out the products marked by special export sign Vilvi, which were intended for Russia in Lithuania, informs LETA/ELTA.
Vilnius Municipality Council on Friday confirmed the detailed plan of the site in Pylimo street, where the cinema theater Lietuva stands. The company Rojaus Apartamentai will be able to demolish the ...
Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs and members of the Lembergs family have been co-owners of dozens of the largest Ventspils enterprises since the 1990s, according to testimony by attorney at law Gints ...
The fact that Ventspils millionaires – Olafs Berkis, Olegs Stepanovs, Igors Skoks and Genadijs Sevcovs – have been elected into Ventspils Nafta Supervisory Council clearly shows that the international ...
Estonian minister of foreign affairs Urmas Paet agreed with his Singaporean colleague George Yong-Boon Yeo that Estonia and Singapore will prepare an agreement on mutually defending the investments, ...