January 2025 A USB adapter offers one of the easiest ways to add Wi-Fi access to a device, whether you have a new desktop PC that lacks built-in Wi-Fi or need to improve the existing wireless ...
A device that adds wireless connectivity to a laptop or desktop computer. All of the adapters below are available as external USB modules as well as PCI or PCI Express (PCIe) cards that plug into ...
So now you can add a $2 WiFi board to you $5 computer and you’ve still got the USB free. It’s not as fast as a dedicated WiFi dongle, but it gets the job done. Take that, Hackaday’s own [Rud ...
A USB-based adapter for Ethernet, Bluetooth or some other wireless technology. Functioning as the base station's transmitter/receiver (transceiver), the USB plug is attached to the unit ...
While we are used to USB WiFi adapters, embedded devices typically ... making your ESP32 into a WiFi module for either your Linux computer (ESP-Hosted-NG) or MCU (ESP-Hosted-FG).