John Wayne's filmography is still well-received by critics decades after the legendary actor's career came to an end.
No matter how much you love Westerns, there's no denying that Wayne did some of his best work when he took off his cowboy hat and squinted toward a new horizon.
This would signify the end of the movie being made in earnest ... For that reason, and so many more, this could easily be ...
So, on the days that he wasn't well enough to work, Wayne would step in and direct the movie himself. Duke, who was famously ...
Things proved even more challenging when Wayne’s longtime director collaborator John Ford would show up on the set of The Alamo uninvited and try to influence the direction of the movie.
Wayne would step in and direct the movie himself. Duke, who was famously a political conservative, also wouldn’t tolerate crew members supporting John F Kennedy on set. On the first day of ...